It’s a dark, late-winter, afternoon. Rain clouds are hanging over the city and just as you board the train home, it begins to pour down.
‘Lucky!”, you think while looking for a seat. Eventually, you find a seat in a quiet carriage and while the train is slowly pulling out of the station you watch the raindrops on the window and slowly drift off to sleep.
When you wake up, the train has nearly reached your station and you quickly gather all your belongings and prepare to get off.
Just as you’re about to get up, you notice a dog sitting in the carriage’s corridor, close by your seat. Its’ head slightly bend, it is looking at you with big brown eyes.
“Sorry, pal,”, you say trying to get past the furball blocking the corridor, “I don’t know about you, but I have to get off here. You, on the other hand seem to be quite content with just staring at me and blocking the aisle.”.
The dog moves ever so slightly and you squeeze past it and jump of the train. It is still raining and you’re standing in the station hall contemplating whether to walk home or wait for a bus when you feel something tugging on your right trouser leg. Looking down, you’re startled to see the dog from the train. It must have got off just behind you and followed you into the station.
“What’s up, furball?”, you ask while reaching down to free your trouser leg. The dog barks and heads for the exit doors. Having reached the doors it stops, turns around and looks at you as if waiting for you to catch up. You wander over to the doors and step onto the street. The dog heads right, but stops after a few metres, again as if he’s waiting for you to follow him.
“No thanks, furball.”, you say, “I think I’ll wait for the bus.”. You lean against the wall, contemplating whether to quickly pop back into the station to nip to the toilet, even though, knowing you luck, your bus would probably just arrive while you’re inside.
While you’re still debating whether to chance your luck or not, the dog returns to you and, once again, starts pulling your trouser leg. You move a few steps in his direction and try to free yourself, but the dog doesn’t let go. Instead, it looks at you as if it’s trying to tell you something.
The Garden
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The Garden
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